Ettusais Beauty Diary #06: Clear Fresh Skin!
I've recently blogged about a list of my FAVOURITE Ettusais products,
which include quite a number of skincare items,
I personally think having Clear, Fresh skin is so important.

ok! as a blogger, if i'm hiding behind my computer screen 24/7
then maybe having a full face of ACNE, BLEMISHES,
or PEELING SKIN is prolly fine, like who cares right?
at most i photoshop my photo what!
BUT! obviously i have to get out and meet people!
Blogger events? Or even shopping on the streets?
What if i have bad skin,
and my readers see me on the street and go like
Omg, so sad.
So i'd like to share with you my 5-step skincare regime! (:
- Gentle Make-Off
- Acne Gentle Wash
- AC Version Up
- White Shooter Dual Effect
- Acne Whitening Dual Mask

1) Cleansing is the most important of all!
Imagine how much dirt is on our face
after we finish work for the entire day!
So no matter how tired you are,
(ok, i admit. Once i was really drunk and i just slept with makeup on,
and the next morning i had afew blemishes popping up! UGH!)

2) After cleansing, use the AC Skin Version Up which acts as a softener
which replace the usual toner in most skincare range.
Why use a softener?
It preps your skin to absorb your moisturizer
and fights acne/blemishes with AC Control oil!
Cos your skin really needs moisture,
Dry skin = you'll get fine lines prematurely!!!
Do you know that in Japan,
One bottle of AC Skin Version Up is sold every 38 SECONDS!
That's how popular this product is!
Just use 02 pump of AC Skin Version up,
dot it on your cheek, forehead, chin,
spread it and use your palm to pat the softener in!
(i like to warm up my palms before i start patting)
Love it cos it absorbs very easily!

4) And i'm using the White Shooter Dual Effect,
It contains Winter Begeonia extract which aids
in healing blemishes and STOP blemishes from popping out!
It also has Vitamin C which brightens your complexion
and lightens blemish scars!
You know we always look for that 1 product that does everything we want.
I want.. a hydrated, clear and brighter complexion!
AND I GOT IT! Hahaha,
My skin looks more radiant and it's more stable nowadays,
lesser blemishes except for the week before my period!
How to use the White Shooter Dual Effect?
You'll find that it's very watery,
normally other moisturizers are either in gel/cream form right?
Why is Ettusais so special! Simply because if it's in such watery form,
your skin actually absorbs it much easier!
So just use 1-2 pump on a cotton wool and pat on your face.
You might find it abit oily at first,
but warm up your hands and pat it in!
Ettusais has 2 different range of moisturizers,
1st would be the above White Shooter Dual Effect,
2nd one would be the AC Aqua Shooter!

Boyf likes the AC Skin Version up & AC Aqua Shooter!
Not mask your face with a full face of makeup,
but use this intensive mask with so many benefits in it!
I think Ettusais is very thoughtful and crazy about
all sorts of details when it comes to skincare!
like the Whitening Dual mask, It has 2 parts,
one for your T-Zone and another for your U-Zone.
ONE FACE, Why can't just put one mask but must use 2 different ones?!

The U-Zone mask, which is your cheek.. mouth area
which is MORE prone to dryness,
so fine lines will normally form at those areas.
So the U-Zone mask supplies your skin with LOADS of moisture
and it gives intensive whitening care for freckles and acne scars!
Most of my blemish scars are on my cheek area!
So this mask is actually an intensive whitening care
for acne scars, freckles etc!

And our T-Zone which is more oily,
is also supplied with moisture to give our skin a fresh and youthful look!
Let me try out this super unique mask!

Normally i like to do mask 3 nights in a row,
then rest my skin for the next 4 days, then mask 3 nights in a row again.
Cos i feel that just masking for 15mins for 1 night is a waste of my mask!
But since the Ettusais Whitening Dual Mask is an intensive care mask
once a week is sufficient!

Yay, don't be lazy! Just spend 10 mins once a week and MASK IT!
I'm easily bored so while i lie in bed and
have my mask on must get my boyf to entertain me!
Heehehe, play guitar for me
while i shake leg and enjoy my masking time!

Whoops, caught on camera looking so stunned!

ok, back to his normal corny expression
when he wanna make me laugh. lol.

Uncle magic sleeping outside came in to check what's with all the noise!
See, the face damn emo /annoyed
cos he got awoken up by boyf's guitar!
Ok, then magic and whiskey both spotted me with the
Ettusais whitening mask on and they got kpo and kept staring at me!
SHY!!! :3

Cute maaaaaaagic! Still staring at my MASK-ed face! HAAHAHAH
After i remove the mask,
i realized that the essence in the mask is really thick! GOOD STUFF!
Then after massaging massaging the essence in,
my face looks much brighter and sooooo hydrated!
Like there's that "PONG! PONG!" feeling! Haahaha, Love it!
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